
Mind & Body • Courses • Workshops 

Whole School Approach

The 2021 Teacher Wellbeing Index, an annual report by charity Education Support in conjunction with YouGov, found that the mental helath of teachers is getting worse compared to at the height of the Covid pandemic. Seventy-seven percent experienced symptoms of poor mental health due to their work, 72% are stressed (rising to 84% for senior leaders), 46% always go into work when unwell (rising to 54% for senior leaders), 42% think their organisation’s culture has a negative impact on their wellbeing and 54% have considered leaving the sector in the past two years due to pressures on their mental health.

Publication of the governmental Green Paper Transforming Children and Young People’s Mental Health aims to prioritise the need for support of educational institutions in addressing Mental Health issues and working collaboratively with specialist Mental Health support agencies in order to effectively safeguard those in their care. 

The Paper also recommends that a senior leader in each setting be appointed as a Designated Senior Mental Health Lead (DSMHL) to write the ‘staff development’ element of the school’s mental health plan and have a strategy to implement it, thus taking an important step towards promoting and enhancing whole school wellbeing.

The Eight Principles of a whole school or college approach to mental health and wellbeing:

1. Leadership and management that supports and champions efforts to promote emotional health and wellbeing 

2. An ethos and environment that promotes respect and values diversity.

3. Curriculum teaching and learning to promote resilience and support social and emotional learning.

4. Enabling student voice to influence decisions

5. Staff development to support their own wellbeing and that of students 

6. Identifying need and monitoring impact of interventions 

7. Working with Parents and carers 

8. Targeted support and appropriate referral

Teachers are dedicated, committed professionals whose instinct is to put children and their jobs first. Teaching is done effectively when you are at your best. Time spent ensuring good mental health benefits the whole school – and early intervention is key - National Association of Headteachers

Primary schools and secondary schools should be supported to adopt a comprehensive, ‘whole school’ approach to promoting the social and emotional wellbeing - National Institute for Health and Care Excellence

Ofsted – "These inspections will help us to see where children’s mental health needs are being met and where things need to improve”. – National Director for Social Care, Yvette Stanley.

Mental Health for Teaching Staff

On-Demand Beginners Course:

Making sense of mental health 

  • Why bother? Financial, legal and moral reasons
  • What is “mental health” - myths, misunderstandings and what we can do about this 
  • The illness-wellbeing continuum and three key messages
  • Examining stigma, where it comes from, what perpetuates it and what we can do about it.

Managing for wellbeing

  • Listening and rapport: how to have constructive conversations with others who may be struggling
  • How to support someone who is/has been absent and is returning to work 
  • What next: personal and organisational “next steps” to reduce mental ill-health, protect those who are struggling, eradicate stigma and promote wellbeing and success (SWP)

Ways we label inner distress

  • Understanding anxiety, depression, addictive behaviours and conditions when people may be at immediate risk: the signs and symptoms to look out for.

Understanding what can go wrong and what you can do

  • The role of stress and burnout in mental health, productivity and performance, the underlying science, the danger signs to look out for and good practices to minimise their occurrence
  • Psychological Safety and building trust
  • Easily implemented ways to take care of personal wellbeing, recover from challenging situations, model good work practices, and build a culture of Sustainable Workplace Prosperity.

Enrol in our Senior Mental Health Lead and Teacher Training course partnered with Work Well Being. Work Well Being deliver workplace wellbeing programmes and initiatives, as a force for growth and good.  Since 2014, they have been supporting organisations big and small, in the UK and beyond, to thrive through their offering of live and online training courses, workshops, coaching and consultancy services. 

Our flexible on-demand format enables you to work through the training at your own pace, in your own time and revisit any lesson as many times as you want.

  • 5 hour training course
  • 4 distinct modules
  • 3 hours of video content 
  • Downloadable course resources
  • Consolidation assessments at the end of each module

Start Course Now

A series of live group workshops building on knowledge gained in our beginners course. Deepen understanding of mental health and move closer towards embedding a culture of health and wellbeing in your school.

Full Course Description
We help learners to understand how their food and lifestyle choices impact their mental, physical and emotional wellbeing. This is done through interactive workshops and courses run through schools. Students leave with practical solutions enabling them to make immediate changes to: 
  • Make better food choices to support their health
  • Create a positive mindset
  • Improve mental health
  • Increase self-awareness and self-confidence
  • Increase energy levels
  • Decrease stress levels
  • Improve concentration and memory
  • Improved sleep quality
  • Sustain good relationships

Workshop and Course Enquiries

Our online Workshop for Educational Leaders is a 2 hour-workshop and can be done conveniently during school planning days. Our Health and Wellness Course for Teachers and Students can be adapted to any year group (students) and adjusted to a school timetable. Please get in touch for more details.

Workshop Enquiry

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